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ahlam1399 ahlam1399 ??? ?????? ??????
????? ???????: Sep 2012
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??????? Child who was born deaf can now hear whispers and parents clapping for first time tha

  1. Child who was born deaf can now hear whispers and parents clapping for first time thanks to 'mind-blowing' gene therapy New York Post
  2. Toddler born deaf can hear after gene therapy trial breakthrough her parents call "mind-blowing" CBS News
  3. UK toddler has hearing restored in world first gene therapy trial The Guardian
  4. Baby born deaf able to hear after breakthrough treatment NewsNation Now
  5. Deaf baby hears for the first time after 'groundbreaking' gene therapy trial The Washington Post

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Child who was born deaf can now hear whispers and parents clapping for first time tha

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