Tag Archives: parachurch

EPISODE 13: What is the extravagant love of Jesus worth to you? What’s in your …


EPISODE 13: What is the extravagant love of Jesus worth to you? What’s in your alabaster jar? Need a hint? Come and listen. See you Friday, April 5th at 10am! Follow @dominazian
A 52 part series on: “What would happen if you actually applied all the sermons for one year?” FOLLOW @thedailypastor for more articles. —————————————————————— Would you experience radical life transformation? – Would you draw closer to God? – Would you be able to prove and sense God’s existence or presence? – Would you complain less and have fewer problems? – Would you have a better marriage, be a better parent, or be a better person? ——————————————————————-
#expositorypreaching #church #god #jesus #holyspirit #worship #salvation #gospel #evangelism #faith #hope #love #sin #preaching #application #exposition #expositorypreaching #missions #missionary #marriage #christianmusic #church #ministry #parachurch #sbc

