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Any Time Lotto System – Discover 5 Easy Steps To Win The Lotto Safely

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Welcome to Any Time Lotto, the system that will help increase your odds at winning the lotto.

The information below is based on proven winnings.

This YouTube Channel was created to give you an insight of how probability overpowers luck!

When was the last time you’ve won anything in lottery games? Well, lotto tickets may seem like a long away to happiness, but there is a simple method that can help you maximize your chances of winning the lotto.

How do you win the lotto?
Simple! Firstly, you need a lotto ticket to enter your numbers and a piece of paper to calculate your future winning numbers.

Step 1:

Choose five numbers from 1 to 13 to create your 5 number code sequence, e.g:

The 5 numbers that you choose can be used more than once in the sequence (as long as they don’t exceed the total sum of 45 or 50)
(Applicable to Tattslotto/Keno or any other 6 number lotto system in the world). If you’re in Australia, the total sum of the 5 numbers that you choose should not exceed 45 as there are only 45 numbers in the Australian lotto system.
If you are in the UK, the sum should not exceed 50. The code will be explained below. This code is what helps you to choose the lotto probability.

Step 2:

Using your 5 code sequence add 1 to the first number. You can now set up your six numbers to play the lotto. See below for an example of the calculation.
1+2 =33+10=1313+10=2323+10=3333+2=35

To further break this down and understand the above calculations see below:

1 (the starting number) + 2 (your 1st number in your 5 code sequence) = 3
3 (the 2nd number which is the total sum of the 1st and second number above) + 10 (your 2nd number in your 5 code sequence) =13
13 (sum of the 2nd and 3rd number) +10 (3rd number in your 5 code sequence) =23
23 (sum of 3rd number and 4th number in your 5 code sequence) + 10 (the 4th number in your 5 code sequence) =33
33 (sum of the 4th number and your 5th number in your 5 code sequence) + 2 (your final number in your 5 code sequence) = 35(sum of the final calculation and the final number in your 5 code sequence)

Step 3:

You now have your 6 numbers that are a result of calculating one number with the next in line of your 5 code number sequence:

Step 4:

Underneath your 6 numbers, write down the number that is one number higher than the number lined up above it. For example:

You’ll see that the number 2 is one number higher than the one above it (1).
The number 4 is one number higher than the one above (3)
Keep repeating this pattern and create enough rows till your final number is 45 (Australia) or 50 (UK)

See below for an example:

Step 5:

In order to make sure that your 5 number code sequence is correct, subtract the last number from the number before it starting from right to left. e.g.

35 — 33 = 2
33 — 23 = 10
23 — 13 = 10
13 — 3 = 10
3 — 1 = 2

Repeat this across all rows to prove this code is correct.
See below.

Get the picture? These are the combinations from 1 to 45, based on the Australian lotto system.

It is easy to play this way than try to randomly guess numbers from 1 to 45. You should be able to play using this method. Go ahead and play for at least six months using the same 5 number code sequence.

I hope this simple 5 step explanation helped you understand how to increase your chances at winning the lotto!

If you have any questions, please email anytimelotto@gmail.com

This information is presented as a tip and not to encourage gambling. This system was designed to increase your odds. Please make sure to play safely and responsibly. DO NOT spend your money on lottery and lotto tickets! Remember, even with the best system in the world, the odds are still against everyone. This information is ©copyright 2012 AnyTimeLotto.com
All rights reserved.

Again, thank you for reading any time lotto!

For future methods on increasing your chances at winning the lotto, please download the program and subscribe to this website.

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