Divorce affects men more than women

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Divorce affects men more than women Separation from a wife is a decision that makes a man lose his happiness, health, and career. Saturday 09/04/2021 Men feel a loss of identity after separation CALIFORNIA (USA) – Several studies have revealed that a man is more affected by the separation from his wife, and that this decision may make him lose his happiness, health and career. Michael Rosenfeld, a sociologist at Stanford University, said that 69 percent of divorces occur at the will of women, which makes it more effective for a man who is forced to separate, unlike a wife who asks for it while carrying a preliminary plan for her future life in her mind. He pointed out that once divorce occurs, women seek help, whether from friends or family, to get rid of the psychological state, but men retain their feelings, and with time, women become more stable, while men suffer from anxiety and depression, their goals in life change, and he may lose his job. Some men suffer from health problems after divorce, the most common of which are weight instability, depression, anxiety, insomnia and stress, which makes them more susceptible to stroke and heart disease. Men are also more likely to abuse drugs and neglect health than women who seek help whenever they feel stressed and find support from most friends. Once divorce occurs, women seek help, whether from friends, family or relatives, but men retain their feelings and men may feel a loss of identity and loneliness, unlike most women who are looking for new activities to do such as sports or joining a new job, and this reduces feelings of sadness in women . Men’s failure to deal with sadness and trying to get rid of it pushes some of them to enter new relationships, and with failure they feel quickly disappointed and this increases their feelings of sadness and depression, unlike women who get rid of feelings of sadness gradually and examine their feelings before getting to know someone new. After the divorce, the woman gets the right to raise children, and thus the husband loses the value of having his children next to him, and this causes some men to feel sad and lonely. A German study found that women and men behave differently after separation, as women suffer severely on a psychological and physical level, while men find it difficult to digest the end of the relationship but repress it in himself. The study indicated that although women suffer psychologically and physically and tend more towards negativity, they absorb separation better than a man who suffers from the consequences of separation for a longer period, and may not be able to fully recover from its effects at all. 21