Accident recorded this morning. Driver was taking her kids to school in a hurry. (Caps: 1. Drive with a red light. 2. Children watching TV 3. Drive recklessly. 4. Drives in the lane to enter residential. 5. Impact against a driver leaving the residence. Attempting to avoid, collides with 2 drivers.) – اخبار مجنونة


Accident recorded this morning. Driver was taking her kids to school in a hurry. (Caps: 1. Drive with a red light. 2. Children watching TV 3. Drive recklessly. 4. Drives in the lane to enter residential. 5. Impact against a driver leaving the residence. Attempting to avoid, collides with 2 drivers.)


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7 replies on “Accident recorded this morning. Driver was taking her kids to school in a hurry. (Caps: 1. Drive with a red light. 2. Children watching TV 3. Drive recklessly. 4. Drives in the lane to enter residential. 5. Impact against a driver leaving the residence. Attempting to avoid, collides with 2 drivers.)”

  1. It’s weird man. Rushing only raises your heartrate, wears on your car, and causes accidents.
    Taking it easy and just driving with the flow of traffic actually gets you places faster, or at least calmer

  2. Sad thing is, she probably didn’t learn a thing from this. She’ll probably continue driving like this, and is constantly annoyed at all the cars that are always in her way.

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