A girl is advised to play useless to keep away from a bison assault

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A girl is advised to play useless to keep away from a bison assault


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28 thoughts on “A girl is advised to play useless to keep away from a bison assault

  1. *lays perfectly still on the ground for 5 minutes*


  2. Why do people act surprised when a wild animal wants to fuck you up? Too much Disney channel?

  3. I worked in Yellowstone for a summer (National park filled with Bison and Bears) and heard stories of a tourist checking out of their hotel stay early because the “animals weren’t locked up at night or trained!” That and another tourist thought Bear spray was like mosquito repellent and proceeded to line their kids up and spray them all with Bear spray. (That shit’s pepper spray meant to ward of a Bear if it tries to attack you.)

  4. Best prevention of a Bison attack?

    Avoid Bison, I live in a country with no Bison and have only been attacked twice.

  5. It’s like those tourists feeding bears on the side of the road. Eventually some individual bear is not satiated by a tuna sandwich and removes the passenger door with a paw to get at tastier morsels. Only downside is that the bear gets shot…later.

  6. There is a reason you must stay at least 25 yards (23ish meters) away from wild bison. They will charge without provocation and they can run up to 35 mph (55ish km/h). You cannot outrun them. Tripping and falling probably saved this person’s life.

    The other way they could have saved themselves was NOT GOING NEAR THE FLUFFY COWS.

    Edit: spelling

  7. I saw a bunch of dumbasses at Yellowstone getting way too close to the bison. Was really hoping that I was going to get a video like this.

  8. Getting close enough to wild animals, in this case Bison, so you can take a selfie or pic with your cell phone is NFL *stupidity*. Not simply NFL.

  9. Is this is one of the national parks? I swear, people put themselves in these situations far too often there. I was in Yellowstone in July, and a group of people RAN at a Grizzly bear to get pics of it.

  10. NOT a bison attack, just a reaction to invasive human behaviour. These things aren’t Golden Retrievers. (Edit: may actually be a young one being playful like a retriever!)

  11. NFL would have been to leave the bison alone. Having said that, the guy yelling the instructions *is* NFL.

  12. Jesus Christ people, how hard is it to stay in your cars? In the Black Hills I see multiple people looking or photoing these big ass animals, just stay in your car roll the window down and take pictures, don’t just go up to them and say “wow, nature is beautiful” because they can fucking kill you if they feel threatened. It is even worse to go after Bison, they are a herd, not just one of them will go after you. This woman is definitely in the wrong and I implore everyone that sees this to stay in your fucking car while visiting open-enclosed parks like the one this woman was in.

  13. I don’t understand why people are stupid enough to go near bison.
    Honestly, know it reflects poorly on me, but I get so f’ing angry… Like, legitimate seeing red angry at people getting sympathy for their incredibly foolish actions

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