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???? 03-14-2014, 03:47 AM
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??????? Tech Companies Reveal National Security Data Requests

Tech Companies Reveal National Security Data Requests
Tech Companies Reveal National SecurityTech Companies Reveal National SecurityTech Companies Reveal National Security
Newly released reports from web and telecom service providers such as Facebook Reveal for the first time that tens of thousands of Americans have had the contents of their accounts sent to government investigators in the name of National security.

**t all Companies release such information the same way, but by compiling several of their “transparency reports,” it is clear that a substantial portion of government Requests for customer Data are being made under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The act allows for extensive electronic evidence to be gathered about people suspected of being involved in terrorism or espionage, and Requests are made through a special court whose findings are generally secret. Read more...

More about Verizon, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and TumblrTech Companies Reveal National Security
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Tech Companies Reveal National Security Data Requests

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