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?????? ?????? ????? : Ebsar receives SR1.5m windfall from do**rs

07-11-2014, 03:42 AM
Prince Talal Bin Abdul Aziz has donated SR1 million to the Ebsar Foundation for the Visually Impaired. The prince is ho**rary president of the association. Abdul Aziz Hifni, board member and financial supervisor of the association, said last year the association had an estimated deficit of SR2.3 million because it did **t receive any funding from the Ministry of Social Affairs, while donations have also been delayed. This year, Hifni said, Ebsar increased its budget by 15 percent and spending for next year is expected to be SR6.8 million.

ÃßËÑ... (https://en-maktoob.news.yahoo.com/ebsar-receives-sr1-5m-windfall-do**rs-074308435.html)